
dan savage sucks shit

I love when you read things and a lightbulb just clicks on. This lil "movement" has always been in the back of my mind, but after reading this I finally realize how screwed up it is. Teachers can be really annoying, cruel, hypocritical people. They clearly have favorites, they clearly favor, and they expect you to treat them with respect even when they're disrespecting you. Not to mention Dan Savage is a savage beast with destructive powers... I'm not a fan. I'm going to make an ANTI-DAN SAVAGE poster and hang it above my bed in honor of my distaste towards him. Tell me what y'all think about the lil article-esque thing below once you finish reading, and your opinions on the situation as well as Dan Savage as well as teachers as well as bullying!

I had a ton of swear words in this little blurb originally, but I decided to delete them. I hardly swear ever when I speak, so I don't know why I keep doing it on my blog. I don't think swearing is really necessary - it doesn't put further emphasis on one's beliefs or make anything anymore convincing; to me it just reads as anger and a stubborn outlook and makes someone unapproachable. I think I come off really angry on this blog and I'm really not - I am about some things but I don't yell at stray cats in my free time or anything. I just have strong beliefs and I'm starting to think, just after rereading posts and such, that it comes off I'm an angry feminist with anger issues who happens to be really angry. I think I'm just going to stop swearing because I feel I can easily put emphasis upon things I believe in without using language like that. Wow... the irony because I just looked at my title...


The reason “It Gets Better” caught on with politicians and celebrities is because it’s great PR and it requires absolutely NOTHING from them in the way of real action.
I just need that entire comment on my blog:
It’s just a bullshit PR campaign, nothing more. Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It’s cruel. School boards, school administrators, teachers, etc., need to have zero tolerance policy for bullying. It’s not uncommon for teachers to bully unpopular kids themselves. That’s where the changes need to be made. But that requires action, and it requires standing up to conservatives who fight anti-bullying campaigns tooth and nail (often claiming that bullying gay people is a christian right). The reason “It Gets Better” caught on with politicians and celebrities is because it’s great PR and it requires absolutely NOTHING from them in the way of real action.
It’s cruelty to tell a kid to tolerate bullying. And to whom is this campaign even directed? The fat gay kids that Savage makes fun of himself? It’s a campaign aimed at good looking white boys with great bodies and upper middle class families. Yes, THEY will do better once they start hitting the gay bars. But for most average looking kids from working class families, they will find a gay community that’s often very much like High School, with cliques and teasing and rejection. Gay kids need to get support from society, and the kids that need that most are the kids that Savage himself would mock and demonize; kids of color, working class and poor kids, fat kids, kids with acne, and kids who are otherwise marginalized in society AND in our community.
Even when you look at the videos on YouTube, you see politicians who’ve come out against marriage equality, sports teams that would never accept a gay person in their ranks, and celebrities who just want some good press. The gay kids who participate are often great looking white boys, who you know will be accepted in the gay community, and are already leading charmed lives. It’s a campaign for the people Savage likes…sexy white male teenagers with athletic bodies who will be greeted with open arms.
I’ll take the campaign seriously when Savage speaks out on behalf of marginalized gay kids, and criticizes the gay community for iots racism and other prejudices. But he’s the biggest bigot and bully of the bunch, and that’s been proven from his many years as a “columnist.” I often couldn’t believe how conservative, prejudiced, and intolerant he was in those columns.”
(via davyjonesing)
Also trans people. 
Dan Savage doesn’t care about the T, and he’s been actively, grossly cissexist on many distinct occasions. 
Not to mention asexuals, women, lower-class people, etc.
Let’s face it kids, Dan Savage is the most hypocritical douchebag in the queer rights movement.
But yes I agree with everything that has been posted above. 
(via daelhorhota)
don’t forget that he thinks bisexuals in general need to “make up their mind” and that male bisexuals are essentially unicorns
(via freakingdork)
I once had an extended argument over when he was glitter-bombedbecause he’s a huge hypocritical transphobe. You can’t claim to be a trans* ally and then hurl transphobic slurs at your enemies. There’s no complicit-by-ignorance-and-stupidity argument to be made there - that’s just straight up transphobia. He is not an ‘activist.’ He is making a great living by essentially capitalizing on the intersection of his hegemonic identities and a burgeoning pinkwashed economy.
(via trungles)
liking all the commentary here, and yeah that’s always bugged me about the “it gets better” campaign; it should be made better for kids NOW, not just waiting for them to get older and for their life to stop sucking
Dan Savage is a fat shamer, too. Basically he endorses all kinds of bullying as long as it’s not directed towards his particular demographic, so the fact that he launched this campaign is laughable to me.


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  3. You know, I have always wondered about the "it gets better" thing. I feel like it would make so much more sense if the messege was: it DOES get better, but the WAY it gets better is if we STOP BULLYING NOW, HERE, at OUR SCHOOLS.

    Also, wtf dan savage? I just looked him up and like WHAT? He "dissed" a politician by CALLING HIM TRANS? WHAT?

    And yes i totally agree about the teachers thing. I frequently get mad about how we're supposed to take their shit time and time again but we're supposed to treat them with "respct" (aka blind obedience) :(
    Also, make that poster and post it here! I would love to see :D


  4. Wow okay so I had no idea who this Dan Savage person is and I'd only ever heard the name of It Gets Better without knowing anything about it but this was intense. Your posts are so inspiring!! I'm totally going to read up on this some more. Also just letting you know I nominated you for a blogging award, if you want to check it out xx


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